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The Book That Puts You To Sleep (A sleep-aid for insomnia)


Do you struggle to get to sleep at night due to overthinking? Are your thoughts always racing for what seems like hours when you get under the covers? Then this sleeping aid is for you!

Research suggests the best strategy for overcoming the problem of racing thoughts at night is to snap the process by giving your brain somewhat of a jolt. Reading nonsensical stories like the one in this book is a great way to break the pattern of racing thoughts and distract your brain long enough for you to drop off to sleep.

When you read stories that make sense at night, your brain becomes MORE active because your imagination runs wild as you think about the characters, plot lines, and cliff-hangers. That doesn't happen when you read nonsensical stories. There is no plot to follow, and your brain just doesn't know what to make of the text. It effectively begins to shut down, allowing you to fall sleep.

This sleep aid is perfect for those who suffer with insomnia, and it will help you to relax and unwind. Most importantly, it will break the cycle of overthinking that is preventing you from getting to sleep.
